Spanish fideos with Vegetables

Course: MainCuisine: MediterraneanDifficulty: Easy


Done in



Toasted noodles is a far-fetched translation of the original Spanish name “Rossejat de fideos”. This dish is very typical for the Catalonia region of Spain and has its similarities with the famous Paella.
Instead of rice, as in the Paella, however, this dish uses the “Fideos” noodles that are very typical in Catalonia.


  • 200g integral noodles (“Fideos”)

  • 2 onions

  • 2 green peppers

  • 300g mushrooms

  • 150g artichokes

  • 70g green asparagus

  • 3 triturated tomatoes

  • 350ml vegetable broth

  • White wine

  • Salt

  • Olive Oil


  • Heat a pan without oil and toast the noodles in different batches, set aside for later.
  • Heat the vegetable broth and set aside for later.
  • Cut the onions and peppers (+salt) and fry them in the paella pan / frying pan until they are soft.
  • Add the triturated tomatoes and wait for it to boil a little (when it changes color a little, go to the next step).
  • Add the mushrooms, artichokes and asparagus (+salt) and let it boil a little.
  • Add a dash of white wine and leave for 5 – 8 min.
  • Add the noodles and stir. Leave 1 minute for the flavour to develop.
  • Add the previously heated vegetable broth ( set aside if not everything fits ), turn up the heat to the maximum for 10 min. Do not move the noodles.
  • Lower the heat to half, add the rest of the broth, cover the pan and cook for approximately 25 min.
  • Turn off the fire and let it rest for 10 min.


  • Fideos are normally served with Aioli, a typical Spanish garlic dip